Dr Christine Jansen van Rensburg

University of Pretoria
Department of Animal Science

Senior Lecturer: Animal Science
Research Project: Monogastric Nutrition


Dr Jansen van Rensburg is a senior lecturer in the Department Animal and Wildlife Sciences in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pretoria. She obtained her BSc (Agric), BSc (Agric) Honours and MSc (Agric) in Animal Science from UP. Her PhD was on mycotoxins in broilers, obtained from UP in 2005.

Her research area is mainly in broiler and layer nutrition as well as pig nutrition, with the main focus on improving production performance in an antibiotic-free environment. She is also interested in variability in raw material quality, the effects thereof on digestibility and performance and ways to counteract the negative effects of poor quality feedstuffs in monogastric animal nutrition.

Dr Jansen van Rensburg has several publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference proceedings. She acted as principal or sole supervisor of over 30 masters students and co-supervisor of 3 masters students. She was also sole supervisor of one PhD student. She is currently supervisor of several masters students, one PhD student and co-supervisor of one PhD student. Dr Jansen van Rensburg lectures in poultry and pig nutrition and production on second, third and fourth year level. She also serves on the Animal Ethics Committee of the University of Pretoria.